Solid Power Brings HCC On Board for a Second ISO 7

Sep 20, 2021 – We’re thrilled to announce that HCC has been awarded a second ISO 7 cleanroom dry room for Solid Power, a company based in Louisville, Colorado, that develops safe, energy dense all-solid-state batteries. 

HCC was selected based on our performance for the clean dry room we built in 2019.

The new 2,500-sq.-ft. project includes concrete foundations and structural steel to support the clean dry room envelope and the desiccant dryer that feeds the room.

We’re also building the envelope of insulated metal panel, epoxy floors, T-bar cleanroom ceiling, fan filters and cleanroom lights. In addition, we’re building a new chiller plant with redundant chillers outside the building, tying in the first chilled water system to create an N+1 plant.

Because of the lead time on the desiccant unit, HCC is removing part of the building roof to lower the unit onto the platform and having the room complete and systems ready for tie-in when the unit is available.